Princess Marie of Waldeck and Pyrmont
Given names | Surname | GIVN | SURN | Sosa | SOSA | Birth | SORT_BIRT | Place | NCHI | Death | SORT_DEAT | Age | AGE | Place | Last change | CHAN | SEX | BIRT | DEAT | TREE | ||||
Georgine Henriette Marie Waldeck and Pyrmont Georgine Henriette Marie Württemberg Princess Marie of Waldeck and Pyrmont House of Waldeck and Pyrmont | Georgine Henriette MarieAAAAWaldeck and Pyrmont | Waldeck and PyrmontAAAAGeorgine Henriette Marie | 0 | 23 May 1857 | 2399458 | 167 | Arolsen, Waldeck and Pyrmont | 1 | 1 | 30 April 1882 | 2408566 | 142 | 24 | 9108 | Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Kingdom of Württemberg | 28 July 2021 - 07:30:53 | 1627482653 | F | YES | YES |
No change data available