
Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick

Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick

Title: Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick
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Last change 22 July 2021 - 20:04:18

by: Site Admin
Anonymous 1780 copy of a portrait painted in 1777 or earlier by Johann Georg Ziesenis

Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Artist unbekannt, Kopie
After Johann Georg Ziesenis (1716–1777)
Deutsch: Karl II. Wilhelm Ferdinand Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
Date um 1780
Medium painting
Current location
Source/Photographer ­http­://­museum­-­digital­.­de­/­nat­/­index­.­php­?­t­=­objekt­&­oges­=­858­

Karl William Ferdinand Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1735-1806), nephew of Frederick II. Of Prussia, Prussian General of the Infantry. Since 1780. Duke, remained in the Prussian service. Chef of the 21st Infantry Regiment Halberstadt. In 1792 he stood as commander in chief at the head of the coalition army against France. After fruitless cannonade at Valmy, he was forced to retreat, but led again in 1793 the army against France. In 1794 he resigned the supreme command, but still took part in the Battle of Auerstedt in 1806 against Napoleon. He was mortally wounded (who died on 10 November 1806).

In Naples he had met Maria Antonia von Branconi (1746-1793), which he took as his mistress to Braunschweig, her but soon after in Langenstein in Halberstadt the local Good bought and erected a small castle.
This portrait Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel as hereditary prince exists in many copies.
verso: Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand / Duke for Braunschweig [further by stretcher covered]
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Charles William Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
Charles William Ferdinand Duke of Brunswick House of Brunswick-Bevern
Charles William FerdinandAAAAvon Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttelvon Braunschweig-WolfenbüttelAAAACharles William Ferdinand 09 October 17352355037289Wolfenbüttel, Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Holy Roman Empire4410 November 180623810012187125964Ottensen, Hamburg, Holy Roman Empire30 July 2021 - 05:04:101627646650MYESYES 
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