
John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford

John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford

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Type: Photo
Title: John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford
Highlighted imageyes

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288 × 355 pixels

File size
55 KB

Last change 8 November 2015 - 20:29:00

by: Site Admin
Portrait of John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford by Sir George Hayter in 1835

Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Artist
George Hayter (1792–1871)
Title Portrait of John, 6th Duke of Bedford (1766-1839)
Date 1835
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
John Hamilton Russell
John HamiltonAAAARussellRussellAAAAJohn Hamilton 0between 6 July 1766 and 20 September 17662366303258Tavistock, Devon, England00October 183923930291857326749England13 March 2016 - 21:16:411457929001MYESYES 
No change data available