
Lady Grace, Countess of Londesborough

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Type: Photo
Title: Lady Grace, Countess of Londesborough
Highlighted imageyes

Last change 8 March 2016 - 19:16:43

by: Site Admin
SourceThe Peerage [Site updated on 10 Mar 2018]
Publication: The peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe
Text: ORIGINAL Martin Hawke, 7th Baron Hawke of Towton (l) and
Lady Grace, Countess of Londesborough (r)

Michael Rhodes, "re: Ernest Fawbert Collection," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 8 February. Hereinafter cited as "re: Ernest Fawbert Collection."
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Grace Adelaide Fane
Grace Adelaide Denison
Grace AdelaideAAAAFaneFaneAAAAGrace Adelaide 0 2400228 Westmorland, England1113 June 1933242723791 -1England8 March 2016 - 19:16:471457493407FYESY100R
No change data available