
Duchess Maria Dorothea of Württemberg (1797–1855)

Duchess Maria Dorothea of Württemberg (1797–1855)

Title: Duchess Maria Dorothea of Württemberg (1797–1855)
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Last change 17 August 2021 - 22:06:13

by: Site Admin
Maria Dorothea of Württemberg, taken around 1840

Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Description
English: Princess Maria Dorothea of Württemberg 1797-1855, 3rd wife of Archduke Joseph Anton Johann of Austria, Palatin of Hungary
Deutsch: Herzogin Maria Dorothea von Württemberg 1797-1855, 3. Frau von Erzherzog Joseph Anton Johann von Österreich, Palatin of Hungary
Magyar: Mária Dorottya württembergi hercegnő 1797-1855, habsburg-Toscanai József ANtal János főherceg, József nádor 3. felesége
Date Painting made around 1840.
Source Hungarian National Museum, Historic Portrait Archive (MNM TKCS). Published in several times in historic works, schoolbooks, articles. E.g.[1]
Author unknown painter
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Maria Dorothea Luise Wilhelmine Caroline Württemberg
Maria Dorothea Luise Wilhelmine Caroline Habsburg-Lorraine
Duchess Maria Dorothea of Württemberg House of Württemberg
Maria Dorothea Luise Wilhelmine CarolineAAAAWürttembergWürttembergAAAAMaria Dorothea Luise Wilhelmine Caroline 01 November 17972377706227Carlsruhe (Pokój), Silesia3330 March 185523986731695720967Budapest, Hungary17 August 2021 - 22:06:231629263183FYESYES 
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