
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, Emperor of India

Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, Emperor of India

Format: png
Type: Photo
Title: Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, Emperor of India
Highlighted imageyes

Image dimensions
240 × 338 pixels

File size
53 KB

Last change 23 August 2015 - 20:48:12

by: Site Admin
Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Artist
Luke Fildes (1843–1927)
Portrait of King Edward VII (1841-1910)
Date 1902 replica of 1901 portrait
Medium oil on canvas
Current location
National Portrait London NPG.JPG
Accession number 1691
Object history given to the National Portrait Gallery, London in 1912. See source website for additional information.
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Albert Edward Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
- House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Albert EdwardAAAASaxe-Coburg-GothaSaxe-Coburg-GothaAAAAAlbert Edward 09 November 18412393784183London “Buckingham Palace”, England556 May 191024187981146825014London “Buckingham Palace”, England1 August 2015 - 14:16:531438463813MYESYES 
No change data available