
Extract from a portrait of Martin van Meytens, who represented the three daughters of Maria Theresa who died in infancy

Extract from a portrait of Martin van Meytens, who represented the three daughters of Maria Theresa who died in infancy

Format: png
Type: Photo
Title: Extract from a portrait of Martin van Meytens, who represented the three daughters of Maria Theresa who died in infancy
Highlighted imageyes

Image dimensions
297 × 342 pixels

File size
73 KB

Last change 12 April 2016 - 16:45:16

by: Site Admin
Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Artist
Martin van Meytens (1695–1770)
English: The young died children of Maria Theresa (detail)
English: Detail of Maria Karolina of Austria (1740-1741)
Español: María Carolina de Austria en un extracto de un retrato Martin van Meytens, representado a las tres hijas de María Teresa I que han muerto en la infancia.
Date after 1748
Medium oil
Current location
Hofburg, Innsbruck
Giants' Hall
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Maria Carolina Ernestina Antonia Joanna Josepha Habsburg-Lorraine
- House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Maria Carolina Ernestina Antonia Joanna JosephaAAAAHabsburg-LorraineHabsburg-LorraineAAAAMaria Carolina Ernestina Antonia Joanna Josepha 012 January 17402356593284Vienna, Austria0025 January 174123569722831379Vienna, Austria12 April 2016 - 18:51:021460512262FYESYES 
No change data available