
Archduchess Maria Amalia by Andreas Møller. The flowers on her dress represent fertility and childbearing expectations in adulthood.

Archduchess Maria Amalia by Andreas Møller. The flowers on her dress represent fertility and childbearing expectations in adulthood.

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Type: Photo
Title: Archduchess Maria Amalia by Andreas Møller. The flowers on her dress represent fertility and childbearing expectations in adulthood.
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Image dimensions
293 × 363 pixels

File size
63 KB

Last change 12 April 2016 - 13:21:16

by: Site Admin
Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Artist
Andreas Möller (1684–1762)
Deutsch: Erzherzogin Maria Amalie (1724-1730) im Alter von drei Jahren
Date 1727
Medium oil on canvas
Dimensions 119.5 × 96 cm (47 × 37.8 in)
Current location
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Accession number Inv.-Nr. GG_2104
Deutsch: Beschriftung: Auf der Rückseite bez.: A. Möller pinx. Vienna 1726

Provenienz: Aus Schloss Schönbrunn
Abgebildete Person: Erzherzogin Maria Amalia Tochter d. Karl VI. von Habsburg Österreich
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Maria Amalia Habsburg
Maria AmaliaAAAAHabsburgHabsburgAAAAMaria Amalia 05 April 17242350833300Vienna “Hofburg Palace”, Austria0019 April 1730235303829462205Vienna “Hofburg Palace”, Austria12 April 2016 - 13:22:251460492545FYESYES 
No change data available