
Sigismund, aged approximately 50, in a painting traditionally attributed to Pisanello

Sigismund, aged approximately 50, in a painting traditionally attributed to Pisanello

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Title: Sigismund, aged approximately 50, in a painting traditionally attributed to Pisanello
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292 × 414 pixels

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103 KB

Last change 1 April 2016 - 17:32:10

by: Site Admin
Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Artist bohemian, italian
Formerly attributed to Pisanello (1395–1455)
Deutsch: Kaiser Sigismund (1369–1437)
Deutsch: Abgebildete Person: Kaiser Sigismund I. Sohn des Karl IV. von Luxemburg
Date 1433
Medium tempera on vellum mounted on wood
Dimensions 58.5 × 42 cm (23 × 16.5 in)
Current location
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Accession number Inv.-Nr. GG 2630
Object history 1772 in der Galerie nachweisba
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Sigismund Luxemburg
SigismundAAAALuxemburgLuxemburgAAAASigismund 014 February 13682220756657Nuremberg, Kingdom of Germany009 December 143722462565876925500Znojmo, Kingdom of Bohemia1 April 2016 - 17:33:331459557213MYESYES 
No change data available