Adolf Friedrich IV, Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in the robes of the Order of the Seraphim with its collar around his neck.
Given names | Surname | GIVN | SURN | Sosa | SOSA | Birth | SORT_BIRT | Place | NCHI | Death | SORT_DEAT | Age | AGE | Place | Last change | CHAN | SEX | BIRT | DEAT | TREE | ||||
Adolphus Frederick Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Adolphus FrederickAAAAMecklenburg-Strelitz | Mecklenburg-StrelitzAAAAAdolphus Frederick | 0 | 5 May 1738 | 2355976 | 286 | Mirow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany | 0 | 0 | 2 June 1794 | 2376458 | 230 | 56 | 20482 | Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany | 24 March 2016 - 19:57:24 | 1458874644 | M | YES | YES |
No change data available