Portrait by Vladimir Borovikovsky, 1796. Oil on canvas from the Gatchina Palace Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Given names | Surname | GIVN | SURN | Sosa | SOSA | Birth | SORT_BIRT | Place | NCHI | Death | SORT_DEAT | Age | AGE | Place | Last change | CHAN | SEX | BIRT | DEAT | TREE | ||||
Alexandra Pavlovna Romanov Alexandra Habsburg-Lorraine - House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov - House of Habsburg-Lorraine | AlexandraAAAAPavlovna Romanov | Pavlovna RomanovAAAAAlexandra | 0 | 9 August 1783 | 2372508 | 241 | St Petersburg, Russian Empire | 0 | 0 | 16 March 1801 | 2378936 | 223 | 17 | 6428 | Vienna, Austrian Empire | 18 February 2016 - 19:12:07 | 1455851527 | F | YES | YES |
No change data available