
Crown Princess Susan, wife of Crown Prince Leka, wearing the Sapphire Goat Tiara

Crown Princess Susan, wife of Crown Prince Leka, wearing the Sapphire Goat Tiara

Title: Crown Princess Susan, wife of Crown Prince Leka, wearing the Sapphire Goat Tiara
Format: png
Type: Photo
Highlighted image

Image dimensions
381 × 527 pixels

File size
120 KB

Last change 2 August 2021 - 16:31:52

by: Site Admin
SourceOther source
Text: pinterest.com
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Susan Barbara Cullen-Ward
Susan Barbara Zogu
Susan of Albania House of Zogu (by marriage)
Susan BarbaraAAAACullen-WardCullen-WardAAAASusan Barbara 028 January 1941243002383Waverley, New South Wales, Australia1117 July 20042453204206323181Tirana, Tiranë, Albania2 August 2021 - 16:38:521627947532FY100Y100R
No change data available