Prince Emich of Leiningen with his wife Princess Feodore of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
Given names | Surname | HUSB:GIVN_SURN | HUSB:SURN_GIVN | Age | AGE | Given names | Surname | WIFE:GIVN_SURN | WIFE:SURN_GIVN | Age | AGE | Marriage | MARR:DATE | Place | NCHI | Last change | CHAN | MARR | DEAT | TREE | ||
Emich Eduard Carl Leiningen - House of Leiningen | Emich Eduard CarlAAAALeiningen | LeiningenAAAAEmich Eduard Carl | 28 | 10402 | Feodore Viktoria Alberta Hohenlohe-Langenburg | Feodore Viktoria AlbertaAAAAHohenlohe-Langenburg | Hohenlohe-LangenburgAAAAFeodore Viktoria Alberta | 27 | 10216 | 12 July 1894 | 2413022 | 130 | Langenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany | 1 | 1 | 6 February 2016 - 21:01:35 | 1454821295 | YES | Y | R |
No change data available