
Frederick IV of Denmark, Portrait by Rosalba Carriera, 1709

Frederick IV of Denmark, Portrait by Rosalba Carriera, 1709

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Type: Photo
Title: Frederick IV of Denmark, Portrait by Rosalba Carriera, 1709
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Image dimensions
297 × 421 pixels

File size
66 KB

Last change 1 January 2016 - 09:18:25

by: Site Admin
Publication: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Text: Description
Frederik VI; pastel painting by Rosalba Carriera, 1709; Frederiksborg Museum. On his trip abroad 1708-09 the Danish king traveled to Venice and let themself be portrayed by several artists, including the internationally famous Carriera, who had many of Europe's princes as customers.
Source Frederiksborgmuseet/Den Danske Store
Rosalba Carriera (1675–1757)
Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Frederick Oldenburg
- House of Oldenburg
FrederickAAAAOldenburgOldenburgAAAAFrederick 021 October 16712331674353Copenhagen “Copenhagen Castle”, Denmark1112 October 173023532142945821540Odense “Odense Palace”, Denmark1 January 2016 - 09:19:241451668764MYESYES 
No change data available