Catherine of Brandenburg-Küstrin
Given names | Surname | GIVN | SURN | Sosa | SOSA | Birth | SORT_BIRT | Place | NCHI | Death | SORT_DEAT | Age | AGE | Place | Last change | CHAN | SEX | BIRT | DEAT | TREE | ||||
Catherine Brandenburg-Küstrin Catherine Hohenzollern Catherine of Brandenburg-Küstrin Noble Family Hohenzollern | CatherineAAAABrandenburg-Küstrin | Brandenburg-KüstrinAAAACatherine | 0 | 10 August 1549 | 2287042 | 475 | Küstrin, Germany | 5 | 5 | between 30 September 1602 and 30 September 1608 | 2307547 | 422 | 53 | 19409 | Cölln, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany | 3 August 2021 - 12:34:55 | 1628019295 | F | YES | YES | R |
No change data available