Conan PenthièvreAge: 331138–1171
- Name
- Conan Penthièvre
- Given names
- Conan
- Surname
- Penthièvre
- House of Penthièvre
- Name
- - House of Penthièvre
- Given names
- -
- Surname
- House of Penthièvre
Family with unknown person - View family |
himself |
Conan Penthièvre
Birth about 1138 France Reference number Q1874 Death 20 February 1171 (Age 33) Loading...
#1 daughter |
Constance Penthièvre
Birth about 1161 Brittany Reference number Q1506 Death 5 September 1201 (Age 40) Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, Brittany Loading...