

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | | None

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Alice Neville
Alice FitzHugh
AliceAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAAlice 0about 1430224353959500yes2287368  -118 November 2015 - 20:34:121447907652FYESYES 
Alice Neville
Alice Grey
Alice Lancaster
- House of Neville
AliceAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAAlice 0 2231121 Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00yes2274949  -1England21 February 2016 - 22:41:181456123278FYESYES 
Anne Neville
Anne Stafford
Anne Blount
- House of Neville
AnneAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAAnne 014142237695611Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England1120 September 148022618825446624369England22 February 2016 - 08:26:541456158414FYESYES 
Anne Neville
Anne de Umfreville
- House of Neville
AnneAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAAnne 0about 13842226738641Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00yes2270566  -1England21 February 2016 - 22:54:101456124050FYESYES 
Anne Neville
Anne Lancaster
Anne York
- House of Neville (by birth)
AnneAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAAnne 011 June 14562253015568Warwick “Warwick Castle”, Warwickshire, England1116 March 148522635205392810505Westminster “Westminster Palace”, London, England17 August 2021 - 10:20:371629220837FYESYES 
Cecily Neville
Cecily de Beauchamp
CecilyAAAANevilleNevilleAAAACecily 0about 1425224171360000yes2285542  -17 August 2021 - 19:52:511628391171FYESYES 
Charles Neville
- House of Neville
CharlesAAAANevilleNevilleAAAACharles 018 August 15422284493482England006 November 160123061234235921630England4 April 2016 - 19:40:101459824010MYESYESR
Cicely Neville
Cicely Plantagenet
- House of Neville
- House of York
CicelyAAAANevilleNevilleAAAACicely 03 May 14152238000609Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England7731 May 149522672485298029248Berkhamsted “Berkhamsted Castle”, Hertfordshire, England11 November 2015 - 06:53:581447253638FYESYES 
Edward Neville
- House of Neville
EdwardAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAEdward 014142237695611Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England0018 October 147622604495486222936England22 February 2016 - 08:07:101456157230MYESYES 
Eleanor Neville
Eleanor le Despenser
Eleanor Percy
- House of Neville
EleanorAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAEleanor 0about 13972231487628Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00147222588795537527392Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England1 April 2016 - 19:39:281459564768FYESYES 
Eleanor Neville
Eleanor Stanley
EleanorAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAEleanor 01438224646158733yes2290290  -118 November 2015 - 21:19:331447910373FYESYES 
George Neville
GeorgeAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAGeorge 0about 1432224426959300yes2288098  -118 November 2015 - 20:37:171447907837MYESYES 
George Neville
- House of Neville
GeorgeAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAGeorge 0about 14072235138618England0030 December 146922579655556223009England22 February 2016 - 07:58:431456156723MYESYES 
Isabel Neville
Isabel Plantagenet
IsabelAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAIsabel 05 September 14512251274573Warwick “Warwick Castle”, Warwickshire, England5522 December 1476226051454825924023 August 2015 - 20:49:371440388177FYESYES 
Joan Neville
JoanAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAJoan 01423224098260200yes2284811  -118 November 2015 - 20:42:421447908162FYESYES 
John Neville
- House of Neville
JohnAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAJohn 015202276410505England0022 April 157722971594475720931England20 February 2016 - 21:50:591456033859MYESYES 
John Neville
- House of Neville
JohnAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAJohn 0before 13872227834638Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00before 20 May 14202239844604331219221 February 2016 - 22:42:051456123325MYESYES 
John Neville
JohnAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAJohn 01431224390459400yes2287733  -118 November 2015 - 20:35:531447907753MYESYES 
John Neville
JohnAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAJohn 0 0 00yes0  -120 July 2015 - 18:56:231437443783MYESYESR
John Neville
- House of Neville
JohnAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAJohn 017 November 14932266688531England222 March 154322846894814918001London, England20 February 2016 - 22:00:001456034400MYESYESR
Katherine Neville
Katherine Bonville
Katherine Hastings
KatherineAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAKatherine 01442224792258300yes2291751  -118 November 2015 - 20:39:071447907947FYESYES 
Katherine Catherine Neville
Katherine, Catherine Mowbray
Katherine, Catherine Strangeways
- House of Neville
KatherineAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAKatherine 0about 14002232582625Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00after 148322628975428330315England22 February 2016 - 08:12:061456157526FYESYES 
Margaret Neville
Margaret de Vere
MargaretAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAMargaret 01444224865258100yes2292481  -118 November 2015 - 20:44:091447908249FYESYES 
Margaret Neville
Margaret Scrope
Margaret Cressoner
MargaretAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAMargaret 0 2231121 Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00between 1463 and 14642255775562 -1England21 February 2016 - 22:59:051456124345FYESYES 
Margaret Neville
Margaret Bigod
MargaretAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAMargaret 015252278237500England001546228590747921767020 February 2016 - 21:56:031456034163FYESYES 
Margaret "Matilda" Neville
Margaret "Matilda" de Ros
Margaret "Matilda" Percy
Margaret "Matilda"AAAANevilleNevilleAAAAMargaret "Matilda" 012 February 13412210893683Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England11between 11 May 1372 and 13 May 137222223056523111411England1 April 2016 - 13:01:281459540888FYESYESR
Maud "Matilda" Neville
Maud "Matilda" de Mauley
- House of Neville
Maud "Matilda"AAAANevilleNevilleAAAAMaud "Matilda" 0 2231121 Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00October 14382246567586 -1England21 February 2016 - 22:41:371456123297FYESYES 
Philippa Neville
Philippa Dacre
- House of Neville
PhilippaAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAPhilippa 013862227469639Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England00after 8 July 14532251946571672465921 February 2016 - 22:45:201456123520FYESYES 
Ralph Neville
- House of Neville
RalphAAAANevilleNevilleAAAARalph 0about 13642219433661England171721 October 142522418245996122573England21 February 2016 - 23:09:331456124973MYESYESR
Ralph Neville
- House of Neville
RalphAAAANevilleNevilleAAAARalph 0about 13922229660633Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England0025 February 145822536395666624161Warwickshire “Oversley Castle”, England23 February 2016 - 09:07:501456247270MYESYES 
Richard Neville
RichardAAAANevilleNevilleAAAARichard 022 November 14282242952596Salisbury, Wiltshire, England2214 April 147122584355534215483Barnet, Hertfordshire, England11 November 2015 - 06:48:331447253313MYESYES 
Richard Neville
- House of Neville
RichardAAAANevilleNevilleAAAARichard 014002232582625Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England9931 December 146022546795646022279England21 December 2015 - 10:52:491450723969MYESYES 
Robert Neville
- House of Neville
RobertAAAANevilleNevilleAAAARobert 014042234042621Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England008 July 145722534075675319547Durham, England21 February 2016 - 23:15:591456125359MYESYES 
Thomas Neville
ThomasAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAThomas 014292243174596England0022 September 147122585965534215604Middleham “Middleham Castle”, North Yorkshire, England24 January 2016 - 19:39:371453693177MYESYESR
William Neville
- House of Neville
WilliamAAAANevilleNevilleAAAAWilliam 0about 14052234408620Staindrop “Raby Castle”, Durham, England009 January 146322554185615821192England21 February 2016 - 23:23:351456125815MYESYES