A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | … | None
Given names | Surname | GIVN | SURN | Sosa | SOSA | Birth | SORT_BIRT | Place | NCHI | Death | SORT_DEAT | Age | AGE | Place | Last change | CHAN | SEX | BIRT | DEAT | TREE | ||||
Alexander Albert Victor MOUNTBATTEN | Alexander Albert VictorAAAAMOUNTBATTEN | MOUNTBATTENAAAAAlexander Albert Victor | 0 | 23 November 1886 | 2410234 | 138 | Windsor “Windsor Castle”, Berkshire, England | 1 | 1 | 23 February 1960 | 2436988 | 64 | 73 | 26754 | London “Kensington Palace”, England | 6 July 2021 - 16:47:52 | 1625615272 | M | YES | Y100 | ||||
David Michael Mountbatten | David MichaelAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAADavid Michael | 0 | 12 May 1919 | 2422091 | 105 | Edinburgh, Scotland | 2 | 2 | 14 April 1970 | 2440691 | 54 | 50 | 18600 | London, England | 29 September 2015 - 15:53:52 | 1443567232 | M | YES | Y100 | ||||
Prince George Louis Victor Henry Serge Mountbatten | George Louis Victor Henry SergeAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAAGeorge Louis Victor Henry Serge | 0 | 6 December 1892 | 2412439 | 132 | Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of Hesse | 1 | 1 | 8 April 1938 | 2428997 | 86 | 45 | 16558 | London, England | 13 March 2018 - 10:55:38 | 1520963738 | M | YES | Y100 | ||||
Iris Victoria Beatrice Grace Mountbatten Iris Victoria Beatrice Grace Kemp Iris Victoria Beatrice Grace Bryan Iris Victoria Beatrice Grace O'Malley | Iris Victoria Beatrice GraceAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAAIris Victoria Beatrice Grace | 0 | 13 January 1920 | 2422337 | 104 | London, England | 0 | 0 | 1 September 1982 | 2445214 | 42 | 62 | 22877 | Toronto “Wellesley Hospital”, Ontario, Canada | 22 July 2021 - 20:48:44 | 1627012124 | F | YES | Y100 | ||||
Leopold Arthur Louis Mountbatten - House of Battenberg to 1917 - House of Mountbatten after 1917 | Leopold Arthur LouisAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAALeopold Arthur Louis | 0 | 21 May 1889 | 2411144 | 135 | Windsor “Windsor Castle”, Berkshire, England | 0 | 0 | 23 April 1922 | 2423168 | 102 | 32 | 12024 | London “Kensington Palace”, England | 25 March 2016 - 07:21:34 | 1458915694 | M | YES | YES | ||||
Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten | Louis Francis Albert Victor NicholasAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAALouis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas | 0 | 25 June 1900 | 2415196 | 124 | Windsor, Berkshire, England | 2 | 2 | 27 August 1979 | 2444113 | 45 | 79 | 28917 | Donegal Bay, County Sligo, Ireland | 13 March 2018 - 17:23:28 | 1520987008 | M | YES | Y100 | ||||
Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Mountbatten Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Bernadotte Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Battenberg - House of Battenberg | Louise Alexandra Marie IreneAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAALouise Alexandra Marie Irene | 0 | 13 July 1889 | 2411197 | 135 | Seeheim-Jugenheim “Schloss Heiligenberg”, Regierungsbezirk Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany | 0 | 0 | 7 March 1965 | 2438827 | 59 | 75 | 27630 | Stockholm “Saint Göran Hospital”, Sweden | 23 August 2015 - 18:41:45 | 1440380505 | F | YES | Y100 | ||||
Ludwig Alexander Mountbatten Ludwig Alexander Hesse-Darmstadt | Ludwig AlexanderAAAAMountbatten | MountbattenAAAALudwig Alexander | 0 | 24 May 1854 | 2398363 | 170 | Graz, Styria, Austrian Empire | 4 | 4 | 11 September 1921 | 2422944 | 103 | 67 | 24581 | London “Naval & Military Club”, England | 23 August 2015 - 20:48:54 | 1440388134 | M | YES | YES |