

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | | None

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Adolf Lippe
- House of Lippe
AdolfAAAALippeLippeAAAAAdolf 020 July 18592400246165Bückeburg “Schloss Bückeburg”, Lower Saxony, Prussia009 July 19162421054108562080814 September 2015 - 16:51:011442274661MYESYESR
Bernhard Leopold Frederik Everhard Julius Coert Karel Godfried Pieter Lippe
- House of Lippe
Bernhard Leopold Frederik Everhard Julius Coert Karel Godfried PieterAAAALippeLippeAAAABernhard Leopold Frederik Everhard Julius Coert Karel Godfried Pieter 029 June 19112419217113Jena, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, German Empire441 December 20042453341209334124Utrecht “University Medical Center”, Netherlands5 November 2015 - 15:12:341446765154MYESY100R
Calixta Agnes Adelaide Irmgard Helene Caroline Elise Emma Lippe
Calixta Agnes Adelaide Irmgard Helene Caroline Elise Emma Hohenzollern
- House of Lippe
- House of Hohenzollern
Calixta Agnes Adelaide Irmgard Helene Caroline Elise EmmaAAAALippeLippeAAAACalixta Agnes Adelaide Irmgard Helene Caroline Elise Emma 014 October 18952413481129Potsdam, German Empire0015 December 19822445319428731838Eltville am Rhein “Schloss Reinhartshausen”, Hessen, Germany4 February 2016 - 21:49:231454651363FYESY100R
Charlotte Lippe
Charlotte Württemberg
Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe House of Lippe
CharlotteAAAALippeLippeAAAACharlotte 010 September 18642402125160Upa “Schloss Ratiborschitz (Castle Ratibořice)”, Bohemia0016 July 19462432018788129893Bebenhausen, Tübingen Region, Baden-Württemberg, Germany27 July 2021 - 21:12:161627445536FYESY100 
Ernst August Bernhard Alexander Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm Lippe
- House of Lippe
Ernst August Bernhard Alexander Eduard Friedrich WilhelmAAAALippeLippeAAAAErnst August Bernhard Alexander Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm 01 April 19172421320107Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony0015 June 19902448058347326738Ansbach, West Germany7 February 2016 - 16:12:211454890341MYESY100 
Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Bruno Lippe
- House of Lippe
Friedrich Georg Wilhelm BrunoAAAALippeLippeAAAAFriedrich Georg Wilhelm Bruno 030 January 18682403362156Ratibořice “Ratibořice Castle”, Kingdom of Bohemia0012 December 19452431802797728440Kudowa-Zdrój, Silesia27 January 2016 - 09:58:371453917517MYESY100R
Wilhelm Karl August Lippe
Prince William of Schaumburg-Lippe House of Lippe
Wilhelm Karl AugustAAAALippeLippeAAAAWilhelm Karl August 012 December 18342391260190Bückeburg, Schaumburg-Lippe114 April 190624173051187126045Nachod, Kingdom of Bohemia27 July 2021 - 21:11:281627445488MYESYESR