

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | | None

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Theresa Kunegunda Sobieski
Theresa Kunegunda Wittelsbach
- House of Sobieski
-AAAAHouse of SobieskiHouse of SobieskiAAAA- 04 March 16762333270349Wilanów, Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland3310 March 173023529982945419728Venice, Veneto, Italy12 April 2016 - 09:12:521460477572FYESYES 
Aleksander Benedykt Sobieski
- House of Sobieski
-AAAAHouse of SobieskiHouse of SobieskiAAAA- 06 December 16772333912347Gdańsk, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland0016 November 171423474053103613493Rome, Italy9 March 2016 - 04:00:161457524816MYESYES 
Maria Casimire Clementina Sobieska
Maria Casimire Clementina Stuart
- House of Sobieski
- House of Stuart
-AAAAHouse of SobieskiHouse of SobieskiAAAA- 018 July 17022342901322Ohlau, Silesia, Holy Roman Empire2218 January 173523547732903211872Rome “Palazzo Muti e Santuario della Madonna dell' Archetto”, Papal States7 November 2015 - 21:40:381446961238FYESYESR