

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | | None

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Henry Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 06 December 14212240409603Windsor “Windsor Castle”, Berkshire, England1121 May 147122584725534918063London “Tower of London”, England14 December 2015 - 20:02:301450152150MYESYES 
Henry Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 09 August 13872227872637Monmouth “Monmouth Castle”, Monmouthshire County, Wales1131 August 142222406776023512805Vincennes “Château de Vincennes”, Kingdom of France14 December 2015 - 20:40:241450154424MYESYES 
Henry Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 015 April 13672220451657Old Bolingbroke “Bolingbroke Castle”, Lincolnshire, Kingdom of England 927-17076620 March 141322372266114516775Westminster “Westminster Palace”, London, England14 December 2015 - 21:37:561450157876MYESYES 
Thomas Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 0before 25 November 13872227980637London, England0022 March 142122401506033312170Le Vieil-Baugé, Pays de la Loire, France30 December 2015 - 21:35:341451540134MYESYES 
John Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 020 June 13892228553635London, England0015 September 143522454405894616887Rouen “Castle of Joyeux Repos”, Haute-Normandie, Normandy30 December 2015 - 21:35:551451540155MYESYES 
Humphrey Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 03 October 13902229023634Lancaster, Lancashire, England1123 February 144722496195775620596Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England30 December 2015 - 21:36:081451540168MYESYES 
Blanche Lancaster
Blanche Wittelsbach
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 0between March 1392 and June 13922229598632Peterborough “Peterborough Castle (Mount Thorold)”, Cambridgeshire, England0021 May 14092235827615176289Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, Alsace30 December 2015 - 21:36:211451540181FYESYES 
Philippa Lancaster
Philippa Lancaster
- House of Lancaster
- House of Griffins
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 04 July 13942230393630Peterborough “Peterborough Castle (Mount Thorold)”, Cambridgeshire, England005 January 143022433615943512968Sweden30 December 2015 - 21:36:361451540196FYESYES 
John Plantagenet
- House of Lancaster (founder)
- House of Plantagenet (founder)
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 06 March 13402210550684Ghent, County of Flanders883 February 139922320686255821518Leicester “Leicester Castle”, Leicestershire, England15 December 2015 - 06:02:401450188160MYESYES 
Philippa Lancaster
Philippa Aviz
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 031 March 13602217880664Leicester “Leicester Castle”, Leicestershire, England0019 July 141522380776095520197Sacavém, Loures Municipality, Lisbon, Portugal28 December 2015 - 19:18:271451359107FYESYES 
Katherine Scott "Kitty" Lancaster
Katherine Scott "Kitty" Trastámara
- House of Lancaster
-AAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAA- 031 March 13732222628651Hertford “Hertford Castle”, Hertfordshire, England112 June 141822391266064516498Valladolid, Castille and León, Spain23 January 2016 - 21:42:401453614160FYESYES 
Edward Lancaster
Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales House of Lancaster
Edward of WestminsterAAAAHouse of LancasterHouse of LancasterAAAAEdward of Westminster 013 October 14532252043571Westminster “Westminster Palace”, London, England004 May 14712258455553176412Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England27 July 2021 - 21:09:421627445382MYESYES