

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | | None

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Alexander de Brus
AlexanderAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAAAlexander 0about 12852190580740Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland009 February 13072198471717228073Carlisle, Cumberland, England29 January 2016 - 04:09:451454069385MYESYES 
Edward de Brus
EdwardAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAAEdward 0about 12802188753745Scotland0014 October 131822027367063814165Scotland29 January 2016 - 04:03:221454069002MYESYES 
Isabella de Brus
Isabella Sverre
- House of Bruce
IsabellaAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAAIsabella 0about 12722185831753Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland11135822172426678631411Bergen, Hordaland, Norway27 March 2016 - 19:36:241459132584FYESYES 
Nigel de Brus
NigelAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAANigel 0about 12792188388746Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland00September 130621983247182710104Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England29 January 2016 - 06:16:431454077003MYESYES 
Robert de Brus
- House of Bruce
RobertAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAARobert 011 July 12742186571750Ayr “Turnberry Castle”, Ayrshire, Scotland227 June 132922066256955420054Dunbartonshire “Manor of Cardross”, Scotland29 January 2016 - 04:03:361454069016MYESYES 
Robert de Brus
- House of Bruce
RobertAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAARobert 0July 12432175253781Writtle, Essex, England66April 130421974417206022189England10 January 2016 - 03:32:041452425524MYESYES 
Robert de Brus
- House of Bruce
RobertAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAARobert 0about 12102163186815Kingdom of Scotland1131 March 129521941397298531135Lochmaben “Lochmaben Castle”, Kingdom of Scotland10 January 2016 - 03:52:031452426723MYESYES 
Lord Robert de Brus
RobertAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAARobert 0 2154055 11yes2197884  -110 January 2016 - 04:09:031452427743MYESYESR
Thomas de Brus
ThomasAAAAde Brusde BrusAAAAThomas 0about 12842190214741Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland009 February 13072198471717238439Carlisle, Cumberland, England29 January 2016 - 04:10:041454069404MYESYES