

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | - | ( | | None

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Andrew Anjou-Naples
Andrew Duke of Calabria House of Anjou-Hungary
Andrew (Andreas)AAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAAndrew (Andreas) 030 October 13272206039697Kingdom of Hungary1118 September 13452212572679176533Kingdom of Naples7 August 2021 - 15:10:041628374204MYESYES 
Blanche Anjou-Naples
Blanche Barcelona
BlancheAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAABlanche 012802188753745Kingdom of Naples3314 October 131021998147143011243Barcelona, Spain7 August 2021 - 20:22:261628392946FYESYES 
Catherine Anjou-Naples
Catherine of Hungary (1370–1378) House of Anjou-Hungary
CatherineAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAACatherine 0July 13702221639654Kingdom of Hungary00May 1378222450064672861Kingdom of Hungary6 August 2021 - 09:13:101628266390FYESYES 
Charles Anjou-Naples
Charles II of Naples House of Anjou-Naples
CharlesAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAACharles 012542179257771Naples, Kingdom of Naples10105 May 130921992877155520212Naples, Kingdom of Naples5 August 2021 - 18:38:491628213929MYESYESR
Charles Martel Anjou-Naples
Charles Martel Duke of Calabria (Son of Joanna I Queen of Naples) House of Anjou-Hungary
Charles MartelAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAACharles Martel 025 December 13452212670679Naples, Italy0010 May 134822135376762867Visegrád, Hungary7 August 2021 - 20:17:031628392623MYESYES 
Charles Martel Anjou-Naples
Charles Martel of Anjou House of Anjou-Sicily
Charles MartelAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAACharles Martel 08 September 12712185534753Naples, Città Metropolitana di Napoli, Campania, Italy2212 August 12952194273729238739Naples, Città Metropolitana di Napoli, Campania, Italy5 August 2021 - 19:37:531628217473MYESYESR
Charles Robert Anjou-Naples
Charles I of Hungary Capetian House of Anjou
Charles RobertAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAACharles Robert 012882191675737Hungary3316 July 134222114126825419919Visegrád, Pest, Hungary7 August 2021 - 12:35:491628364949MYESYES 
Eleanor Anjou-Naples
Eleanor de Toucy
Eleanor Barcelona
Eleanor of Anjou House of Anjou-Sicily
EleanorAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAEleanor 0August 12892192086735779 August 1341221107168352190005 August 2021 - 20:22:481628220168FYESYES 
Jadwiga Anjou-Naples
Jadwiga of Poland Capetian House of Anjou
Jadwiga (Hedwig)AAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAJadwiga (Hedwig) 013732222721652Buda, Kingdom of Hungary0017 July 13992232232625269693Kraków, Poland6 August 2021 - 09:28:431628267323FYESYES 
Joanna Anjou-Naples
Joanna Anjou-Naples
Joanna I of Naples House of Anjou-Naples
JoannaAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAJoanna 0December 13252205356699Naples, Kingdom of Naples1127 July 138222260336425620692Muro Lucano, Kingdom of Naples7 August 2021 - 15:59:371628377177FYESYESR
John Anjou-Durazzo
John Anjou-Naples
- House of Anjou-Sicily
John Duke of Durazzo House Of Anjou-Durazzo (founder)
JohnAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAJohn 012942193867731225 April 1336220911968842154345 August 2021 - 17:07:531628208473MYESYES 
Louis Anjou-Naples
Louis I of Hungary House of Anjou
LouisAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAALouis 05 March 13262205435698Visegrád, Kingdom of Hungary3310 September 138222260786425620643Nagyszombat, Kingdom of Hungary6 August 2021 - 09:07:491628266069MYESYES 
Louis Anjou-Naples
Saint Louis of Toulouse
LouisAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAALouis 09 February 12742186419750Brignoles, Departement du Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France0019 August 12972195011727238592Brignoles, Departement du Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France4 August 2021 - 17:20:351628122835MYESYES 
Margaret Anjou-Naples
Margaret Valois
Margaret Countess of Anjou Capetian House of Anjou
MargaretAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAMargaret 0127221858317531131 December 129921958757252710226Paris, Île-de-France, France4 August 2021 - 22:56:311628142991FYESYES 
Maria Anjou-Naples
Maria Anjou-Naples
Maria of Calabria House of Anjou-Naples
MariaAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAMaria 06 May 13292206593695Naples3320 May 136622201216583713528Naples4 August 2021 - 18:43:191628127799FYESYESR
Mary Anjou-Naples
Mary Queen of Hungary Capetian House of Anjou
MaryAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAMary 0137122219906540017 May 13952230710629248902Buda, Kingdom of Hungary5 August 2021 - 21:18:501628223530FYESYES 
Peter Anjou-Naples
Peter Tempesta House of Anjou-Sicily
Peter (Tempesta)AAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAPeter (Tempesta) 012912192771734Naples0029 August 131522015947092490058 August 2021 - 00:41:411628408501MYESYES 
Philip Anjou-Naples
Philip I Prince of Taranto House of Anjou-Sicily
Philip I Prince of Taranto House of Anjou-Taranto (founder)
PhilipAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAPhilip 010 November 12782188154746Kingdom of Naples00between 1331 and 131222039106945219044Kingdom of Naples4 August 2021 - 22:17:101628140630MYESYES 
Raymond Berengar Anjou-Naples
Raymond Berengar of Andria House of Anjou-Sicily
Raymond BerengarAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAARaymond Berengar 012792188388746Naples001307219861471828102264 August 2021 - 22:17:351628140655MYESYES 
Robert Anjou-Naples
Robert King of Naples House of Anjou-Sicily
RobertAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAARobert 012762187292749Kingdom of Naples0020 January 134322116006816724490Kingdom of Naples4 August 2021 - 22:13:371628140417MYESYES 
Stephen Anjou-Naples
Stephen Duke of Slavonia Capetian House of Anjou
StephenAAAAAnjou-NaplesAnjou-NaplesAAAAStephen 020 August 13322207795692Kingdom of Hungary009 August 13542215819670218024Zagreb “Zagreb Cathedral”, Croatia7 August 2021 - 22:56:261628402186MYESYES