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Total families: 67 Events
Total marriages Total divorces
5 0
Marriages by century Divorces by century

Number of marriages in each century

Number of divorces in each century

Earliest marriage Earliest divorce
Yitzchak Meir ALTER + Faiga (Feigele) LIPSZYC
Marriage about 1811  Warsaw, Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Latest marriage Latest divorce
Yehuda Arye Leib ALTER + Yocheved Rivka KAMINER
Marriage 5 March 1862  Góra Kalwaria (Ger), Powiat piaseczyński, Mazovia, Poland

Length of marriage
Longest marriage - 55 years Shortest marriage - 6 years
Yitzchak Meir ALTER + Faiga (Feigele) LIPSZYC
Marriage about 1811  Warsaw, Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Avraham Mordechai ALTER + Chava BAUMGOLD
Marriage 1849  Poland

Age in year of marriage
Youngest male - 12 years Youngest female - 12 years
Yitzchak Meir ALTER
Marriage about 1811  Warsaw, Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Faiga (Feigele) LIPSZYC
Marriage about 1811  Warsaw, Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Oldest male - 34 years Oldest female - 24 years
Avraham Mordechai ALTER
Marriage 1849  Poland
Marriage 1849  Poland

Average age at marriage date, by century

Age at birth of child
Youngest father - 1 year Youngest mother - 8 years
Avraham (Motel) Mordechai ALTER
Birth 1897  
Death 7 January 1978 (Age 81)  Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
Chaja Sara HALEVI
Birth 1770  Poland
Death 8 February 1852 (Age 82)  Poland
Oldest father - 64 years Oldest mother - 47 years
Birth about 1700  Poland
Death  Poland
Dvoira Malka ALTER
Birth 4 February 1839  Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Death 7 May 1925 (Age 86)  Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland

Children in family
Average number of children per family Number of families without children
3.34 16

Number of children per family, by century

Number of families without children, by century

Largest families Largest number of grandchildren

Age difference
Between siblings Greatest age between siblings
Birth 1861  Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Death 1942 (Age 81)  Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland

Avrum Mordche BAUMGOLD
Birth 12 July 1886  Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Death 25 December 1990 (Age 104)  Витебск, Vitebsk Province, Belarus

View family
Between husband and wife, husband older Between wife and husband, wife older