William Kennedy SMITHAge: 64 years1960–
- Name
- William Kennedy SMITH
- Given names
- William Kennedy
- Surname
Birth | 4 September 1960 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA |
Birth of a sister | 30 April 1967 (Age 6)
younger sister -
Amanda Mary SMITH
Death of a father | 19 August 1990 (Age 29) Manhattan, New York, USA
father -
Stephen Edward SMITH
Relationship 16-20 | William Kennedy SMITH is your third great aunt's first cousin four times removed's wife's first cousin once removed.
Publication: MyHeritage Ltd
Citation details: 18 connections Text: Shortest in-law relationship
You →Ruth ALTER COHEN your mother →Frieda DRUKARSH ALTER her mother →Raizel (Galia) BARANSKI DRUKARSH her mother →Avraham (Tzvi) Hersh BARANSKI her father →Szymon BARANSKI his brother →Hinda KLEJNMINTZ BARANSKI his wife →Tauba (Tybie) DRUCZJAN KLEJNMINTZ her mother →Liba DRACZANA SPIEGEL her sister →Chana Sura SPIEGEL CIESIELSKA her daughter →Jack CIESELSKI CHELSKY her son →Dr. Morris Bernard CHELSKY his son →<private> CHELSKY MCKEAN his daughter →<private> MCKEAN her son →Maeve KENNEDY MCKEAN his wife →Kathleen KENNEDY TOWNSEND her mother →Robert F. KENNEDY, U.S. Attorney General her father →Jean Ann KENNEDY SMITH his sister →William Kennedy SMITH her son |
Legal action | 1991 sexual assault charge 1991 (Age 30) Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Publication: the free encyclopedia
Text: In 1991, Smith was tried and acquitted on a charge of rape, represented by Miami-based criminal defense attorney Roy Black in a trial that attracted extensive media coverage.
The incident began on the evening of Good Friday, March 29, 1991, when Smith, then 30 years old, was in a bar (named Au Bar) in Palm Beach, Florida, with his uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy, and his cousin Patrick J. Kennedy. There, Smith met Patricia Bowman, a 29-year-old woman and another young woman at the bar. According to a police affidavit by investigating police officers who interviewed Bowman, Smith asked for a ride back to a nearby house owned by the Kennedy family. Smith and Bowman then walked along the beach. Bowman told police that Smith then violently raped her. At about 4:00 am, she called two friends who retrieved her from the Kennedy compound and took her first to their home and then to her own home, where Bowman called a rape crisis center. A few hours later she reported the incident to the police and was taken to a hospital for a rape kit examination, which documented sperm in her vagina, complaints of severe pain, and bruising. At trial, Smith said that he and Bowman had engaged in sex, but it had been consensual. Although three women, including a law student and a medical student, were willing to testify that Smith had sexually assaulted them in incidents in the 1980s that were not reported to the police, their testimony was excluded on the grounds that the pattern of behavior reported was not similar enough in its details to the Bowman case. When Bowman testified, her face was hidden by a large dot, but she chose to go public with her identity later. Smith was acquitted of all charges. It took the jury less than 75 minutes to reach a not guilty verdict. |
Married | Anne HENRY 12 May 2011 (Age 50) Tilghman Island, Talbot County, Maryland, USA
Publication: the free encyclopedia
Text: Smith married Anne Henry, an arts fundraising consultant, on May 12, 2011 at Tilghman Island, Maryland.[3][5] They have two children, India (born 2012) and Stephen (born 2013)
Death of a mother | 17 June 2020 (Age 59) Manhattan, New York, USA
mother -
Occupation | Commissioner of the District of Columbia from district 2A04 from 2 January 2015 to 30 August 2020 (Age 54) District Of Columbia, USA
Reference number | K37 |
Last change | 9 November 2022 - 14:54:44 by: Site Admin |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Birth 24 September 1927 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA Reference number K34 Death 19 August 1990 (Age 62) Manhattan, New York, USA Loading...
5 months mother |
Birth 20 February 1928 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA Reference number K35 Death 17 June 2020 (Age 92) Manhattan, New York, USA Loading...
Marriage: 19 May 1956 — New York, USA |
4 years #1 himself |
Birth 4 September 1960 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA Reference number K37 Loading...
7 years #2 younger sister |